ㅤ✧ - Daughter of the Cursed Blades - ✧ㅤ


This is the page for my JJK OC Yoshioka Akemi! Here, I'll put all lore, info, inspo and little things regarding my OC for this verse (also including AUs soon.)
!!! My OC is shipped (yume) with Fushiguro Megumi.

NOW PLAYING: Brick by Boring Brick                              PARAMORE

02:53                                                                                                04:13

ㅤwhat? that angel face? - the psycho who gets high off cursed energy? ㅤ

  • ㅤnameㅤㅤyoshioka akemi 吉岡 明美

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤ"Daughter of the cursed blades"

  • ㅤageㅤㅤ16 - 19 (arc / verse dependent)

  • ㅤpronounsㅤㅤShe / her / hers

  • ㅤspeciesㅤㅤhuman

  • ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤmarch 8

  • ㅤsexualityㅤㅤbi-romantic / demi-sexual

  • ㅤoriginㅤㅤkyoto

  • ㅤlocationㅤㅤtokyo

  • ㅤrankㅤㅤgrade - 2 sorcerer

  • ㅤheightㅤㅤ5' 2" / 157 cm

  • ㅤeyesㅤㅤviolet-orange

  • ㅤhairㅤㅤpale pink

  • ㅤsiblingsㅤㅤyoshioka shoto

spicy foods, horror flicks, animals (cats, dogs, ferrets), idols (j-pop & k-pop), melon soda, takoyakispiders, curses, romantic movies, bright sunny / hot weather, anything grape flavored

ㅤb i o g r a p h yㅤ

Yoshioka Akemi is a first-year, Grade 2 sorcerer born with an anomalous cursed technique dubbed as the ‘Eight Blades Technique’ and an initial first-year at Kyoto Jujutsu High. Akemi is the younger sister of Yoshioka Shoto and the status or names of their parent(s) is unknown.

Akemi was initially approached and sought after other big head clans due to inheriting this elusive technique so she moved with her brother, Shoto, to Tokyo where she was transferred and brought under the protection of Tokyo Jujutsu High.

p e r s o n a l i t y

Akemi is just a bit shorter than average height with long, pale pink hair with bangs long enough to cover her eyebrows, violet eyes and a mole beneath her left eye. Akemi is noted to have a paler complexion than most, indicating she doesn't enjoy being directly in the sun.
Akemi is a naturally quiet girl, only speaking up when she needs to and preferring to let her gestures and facial expressions do most of the talking. She is known to have a painfully pragmatic outlook on both human and Jujutsu Society which leads her to make cold blooded decisions when needed. Due to the slight effect of her CT, her ability to drain other's cursed energy while using her CT, gives her a euphoric feeling which causes her to act a little more bloodthirsty in the midst of battle; or as Gojo once stated “She's absolutely insane.”Despite her initial disposition to most, Akemi is actually quite playful and shy than she leads on. She has an incredibly soft spot for animals and enjoys small, mundane tasks like cooking and embroidery. She also enjoys extremely spicy foods and horror movies. She also has more ‘girlish’ hobbies like collecting idol photocards.

l o r e

Akemi's CT is the ability to sharply hone her cursed technique so refined to the point where she can use it to cut or smash through anything simply by using her body; she mainly uses her hands or fingers as cursed blade, even granting her the title of ‘Daughter of the Cursed Blade’.
Her CT has the ability to drain cursed energy from her opponents, refueling hers and even giving her a sense of euphoria should she consume a certain amount which could trigger her ‘bloodthirst’. In addition to this, Akemi can siphon and manipulate the cursed energy as her own, fueling her own energy reserves to keep moving and fighting, though the longer this is exhausted, the heavier the aftermath is for her.The Yoshioka was a small clan that once served the Zen'in clan some time after the Heian era. Due to their CT being able to cut through virtually anything a cursed weapon could, including other techniques, the Zen'in would often have them in more domestic rules under fears that they could rebel. Even the Gojo clan, who could inherit Limitless, feared their ability should they stray. Throughout the years, most had waned off or the ability slowly appeared less and less through their continued offspring.

✧ - r e l a t i o n s h i p s - ✧

who?relationship status
gojo satoruakemi sees gojo as her mentor and almost like an uncle figure, something satoru dislikes being referred to as. When Gojo pitted her against a high grade curse to ‘feel out her technique’, Gojo witnessed the length of her prowess and ‘bloodlust’, pleased to see that she could be quote “absolutely insane” which is a key trait Gojo has stated is needed if someone is to willingly be a sorcerer. gojo has known her since she was young, being friends with her older brother, shoto, and sometimes asked to watch over her / pick her up from school when shoto was too busy with work to.
itadori yuujiAkemi and Yuji are on quite friendly terms. Akemi often states that Yuji reminds her of her big brother, Shoto, who also tends to be rather loud and a touch “idiotic”. Though she's more patient with Yuji's inadvertent antics than her peers, she doesn't hesitate to tell him off when at her wits end.
kugisaki nobaraAt first, Nobara disliked Akemi's standoffish nature and quiet disposition, deeming her too pliant and soft for this field and urged her to be more outward and confident. Though after working with her in combat and facing off against the Kyoto prefecture students when making attempts on Yuji's life, Nobara grew to respect her, though still lectures her for not speaking up more. nobara often drags her around for 'girl time' and shopping since akemi is something of a homebody.
fushiguro megumiInitially, Akemi avoided speaking to Megumi, not liking his cold, off-putting disposition - which she recognized as being hypocritical. She initially assumed he was too uptight and looked down on others. But, as time went on and Megumi eventually opened up to his classmates, Akemi began to see him in a new light, even playfully referring to him as a ‘grumpy black cat’. the two of them have a complicated relationship, having known each other since they were kids (through gojo, mostly) and don't quite know what their feelings are toward each other. megumi will admit - despite their mutual squabbles - he likes her for her stalwart resolve and unshakeable personality.

✧ - o t h e r - ✧

zen'in makiaoi todonishimiya momonoriroshi kamoNanami Kento
okkotsu yuutamiwa kasumizen'in maikokichi mutayaga masamichi
inumaki togepanda----utahime iori

✧ - Character Inspo - ✧




Face / Voice / Singing / Power